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Clean energy for EU islands

Pilot or pioneering island

Pilot and pioneering islands received dedicated support during the pilot phase of the Islands secretariat to develop their Clean Energy Transition Agendas.


The archipelago of Orkney enchants its visitors and residents because of its open landscape and people, its history, music, food and increasingly because of its ability to show how the future can be. With around 22,000 inhabitants, the community is big enough to have all you need for modern life but small enough to feel you can meaningfully contribute; and Orcadians are very willing to listen to new ideas and help make them work.

A vision of a clean energy future


To travel throughout the Azores is to get to know nine islands where the same genetic code generated profiles that are very distinct from one another.


Pantelleria is the largest "small island" in the Sicily Region. It is located in the Strait of Sicily, Mediterranian Sea, between Sicily and Tunisia. Its area measures 83 square kilometres and counts about 7,800 inhabitants in winter and about 30,000 in the summertime.The first evidence of human activity dates back to the Neolithic period by "sesioti". Afterwards, it was occupied by Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, Aragoneses, Spaniards, Italians. In the past, the main economic activity was agriculture.


The Egadi Archipelago, composed of the islands of Favignana, Levanzo and Marettimo, is a group of islands located on the North-western coast of Sicily. The population of the whole archipelago is not distributed equally, Favignana is the larger island, i.e., the administrative centre, with 3,407 inhabitants, Marettimo has 648 inhabitants, while Levanzo is the littlest of the three with 208 inhabitants.


Samos is a Greek island located in the eastern Aegean Sea, south of Chios, north of Patmos, and the Dodecanese, and off the coast of western Turkey, from which it is separated by the 1.6- kilometre-wide Mycale Strait.


Kökar - an island of opposites

#1 Insignificant but substantial

When it comes to population, Kökar is one of the smallest EU islands, with only 234 resident inhabitants. But politically speaking, the island is a full-scale municipality. The residents of Kökar govern themselves with a Council, Mayor, board and committees, and thus have an important impact on their own energy situation.


#2 Dry and wet


The island of Korčula is located in Dubrovnik-Neretva County, which is the southernmost county in Croatia. It stretches in the east-west direction, with its length of 46.8 km, a width of 5.3 to 7.8 km has an area of ​​279.03 km2 and is the sixth-largest island in Croatia.The island was once a Greek colony called Korkyra Melaina or Black Korcula because of the lush vegetation which adorns the island. The island population is turning to a new future, bright and green.

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