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Clean energy for EU islands


LocalRES is an EU-funded project that will deploy innovative local energy systems to put renewable energy into the hands of communities and people. The project will boost structural changes in the current energy system at different levels: generation, market, distribution and consumers.

Carbery Housing Association CLG

Carbery Housing Association is a community based social housing developer and provider, approved by the Department of Housing. CHA purchases and leases properties to provide long term housing for rent for families who cannot afford to rent of buy on the open market. We secure local authority support and loan funding to develop these initiatives. We at present have 20 properties which are being rented to families nominated by the local Councils.

Workshop "Energy Communities in Practice" in Sustainable Places 2020

By 2021, Member States are required to transpose the relevant EC Directives (e.g. EMD II, RED II) into national legislation to facilitate the widespread establishment of energy communities. But how can energy communities be established and operated in a sustainable manner across EU Member States? This question keeps many energy market stakeholders busy. A host of inter-dependent organizational, technical, social, regulatory and business aspects need to be carefully balanced to achieve sustainable operation from an environmental & financial perspective.

H Κάσος συνεχίζει την πορεία της προς την καθαρή ενεργειακή μετάβαση

Στις 17 Σεπτεμβρίου, ο Δήμος Κάσου σε συνεργασία με την Γραμματεία της Πρωτοβουλίας "Καθαρή ενέργεια για τα ευρωπαϊκά νησιά" και την Κάσιο ΚΟΙΝΣΕΠ, συνδιοργάνωσαν εκδήλωση στο προαύλιο του Λυκείου Κάσου (σύμφωνα με τις οδηγίες υγείας και ασφάλειας που σχετίζονται με την COVID-19).  

Στόχος της εκδήλωσης ήταν η ενημέρωση των κατοίκων της Κάσου για τις εξελίξεις αναφορά με την ενεργειακή μετάβαση του νησιού. 


Clean Energy for EU Islands Online Forum

Due to the current health and travel situation, this year's edition of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Forum will be held online.

The programme will focus on creating stronger links between the EU institutions and the local actions on the island. Representatives from different institutions will introduce their role in creating the enabling framework for the decarbonisation of EU islands, and island communities will present and discuss their activities with peers and EU representatives. 

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