webtools | umwelt | förderung
akaryon is a research-based SME specialized in environmental informatics.
Our main topics are sustainability, renewable energies and the protection of the environment. By developing software and tools in this context we assist companies and public bodies in fulfilling legal and other (environmental) requirements:
We've been working at ReSys in ongoing development for the last years - an energy strategy tool and calculator for the energy turnaround for municipalities as well as for large cities and regions - find more details here.
Various standards (GRI, SDGs, EMAS, ISO,..) are covered by the ESG-Cockpit, a software for sustainability reports and -strategies, CSR- and waste management as well as for Green Data Reports and Modelling sustainable visions.
In the EU Islands project we are responsible for development of the website and this platform.
Weyringergasse 30B/19
1040 Vienna
Phone: +43 (0)1 5039870
Mail: info@akaryon.com