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Clean energy for EU islands

National legislation for EU islands - policy briefs

Publication Date
Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat
Publishing Organisation and Month/Year
Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat / 2020
Report type
Clean energy theme
Planning and strategy
Legislation and regulation

Thanks to the national partners of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat, islands can now learn about the island-related policies in their country and other EU countries in one place.

The information compiled in this document involves 9 policy briefs provided by some of the supporting organisations in the EU-wide island community. These organisations share a broader focus than one island and have provided a ‘state of play’ for having an enabling and encouraging environment for the clean energy transition on islands. 

These inputs provide different perspectives on the multi-stakeholder energy planning on the islands, and explain some of the discussions on jointly pushing this forward on all levels of governance.

In case you would like to compare how the national policies have evolved over the past few months, you can access earlier versions of the policy brief here (February 2020) and here (June 2020).  


201103_Policy-MLG Overview round C.pdf