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Clean energy for EU islands

Highlights from the Pilot years

The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat was established as a pilot in order to assess the needs for developing the Initiative further. Check out the publication with a series of highlights that confirmed the large potentials of the secretariat, which are just some of the many more reasons for the European Commission and the Member States to establish a long term framework.Community driven climate action - from all of us to all of us!Enjoy!- The Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat

National legislation for EU islands - policy briefs

Thanks to the national partners of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat, islands can now learn about the island-related policies in their country and other EU countries in one place.

The information compiled in this document involves 9 policy briefs provided by some of the supporting organisations in the EU-wide island community. These organisations share a broader focus than one island and have provided a ‘state of play’ for having an enabling and encouraging environment for the clean energy transition on islands. 

Clean Energy Transition Agenda: A Illa de Arousa

A Illa de Arousa considers it a priority to promote a cleaner and more sustainable energy model from which the island’s future generations will be able to benefit. Their transition agenda describes actions in different spaces, times, and with multiple actors, with the goal of preserving the environment and improving the quality of life of people.

Download Arousa's Transition Agenda (English)

Download Arousa's Transition Agenda (Galician)

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