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Clean energy for EU islands

CE4EUIslands Call for Videos - VPP4islands Grado, Italy

Grado is an island that is situated in the lagoon between Venice and Trieste. It is part of the Adriatic Sea in Italy’s Friuli-Venezia-Giulia region. The island is connected to the mainland by bridges. It is also part of the VPP4islands project. The ambition of VPP4Islands is to become the leader of Island decarbonisation and VPP development that promotes decentralised and sustainable energy systems through open innovative tools and concepts.

Voices from the Islands: Thrilled to be Electrified!

This third in a series of podcasts engages two islanders working on very different, but very relevant topics. One of them is Ærø Island with its Ellen Ferry that connects it to the Island of Als and the other one is Tilos, which is working on its grid. Discover the journey towards a clean energy future for EU islands in our podcast "Voices from the Islands." Join the conversation as we delve into the transformative power of electric ferries and microgrids. Halfdan Abrahamsen from Denmark's Ærø Island unveils their stunning electric ferry, Elen.

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