Sustainable Places 2022 takes places from 6 to 9 September in Nice. The island projects IANOS H2020 project , H2020 INSULAE Project , REACT Project EU, ROBINSON - H2020 , ISLANDER Project, GIFT H2020, H2020 MAESHA organise a workshop together with NESOI.
In May 2017, the efforts of the European Commission to promote the clean energy transition on islands were materialized through the publication of the “Political Declaration on clean energy for EU Islands”. The European islands, due to their geographical and natural limitations, have the potential to become frontier innovation leaders of the clean energy transition, especially when it comes to efficient use sources. Several projects dealing with the clean energy transition of islands have been funded under the EU’s H2020 research and innovation program . This workshop will bring together a selection of sister projects coping with islands decarbonisation and clean energy transition by presenting their experience with the EU bodies, the financial schemes and the main outcomes.
The Sustainable Places 2022 workshop, similarly to what had been done during this same initiative in 2021, will look forward the reinforcement of the synergies already created among the H2020 sister projects IANOS (GA n°957810), INSULAE (GA n°824433), NESOI (GA n°864266), REACT (GA n° 824395), ROBINSON (GA n°957752), MAESHA (GA n° 957843), GIFT (GA 824410) and ISLANDER (GA 957669), already involved within the EU BRIDGE and Clean Energy for European Islands initiatives.
This workshop explores different thematic related to the clean energy transition of islands, thus will be constituted by 2 consecutive sessions where the representative from the consortia will present their point of view:
- EU funding schemes to support small and medium islands toward smart energy management and decarbonisation pathways – involving speakers from NESOI and ISLANDER projects
- Technical project presentations: each project representative presenting the innovative aspects of their EU project, projects’ goals and replicability studies/experience from the pilot/demo island.
Find more information here.