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Clean energy for EU islands
  • 06 July 2021

Sign the Pledge! It is available in 8 languages now.

The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat has published the Island Clean Energy Transition Pledge in eight languages. It is now available for download in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Croatian, and Greek. 

Click here to receive answers to key questions about the pledge. 

Islands that want to start their clean energy transition can download the pledge and sign it together with local partners, organisations, and companies that will support the transition. By signing the pledge an island becomes part of the Clean energy for EU islands initiative and gain access to a network of islanders who already embarked on their journey to clean energy and experts who can help to make projects bankable.

You can check whether your island is already part of the initiative here.  

In order to ensure and guide the decarbonisation process along, a public authority (municipality or similar) must sign as one of the initial signatories. You can start with only two signing organisations, but always add new signatories to your pledge to strengthen the transition team on your island.

Any of the four key stakeholder groups (local authorities, citizens' organisations, local business associations, schools/universities) can sign the pledge. The objective is to have all four stakeholder groups engaged (if possible) in the course of the transition process. To start the process, a minimum of two organisations should sign the pledge to show their commitment to advance the transition and bring the other stakeholder groups on board. 

 Join the Initiative with your Island!

There is no translation of your native language? You can download the source file and translate it to your mother tongue to help the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat to reach even more islands.