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Clean energy for EU islands
  • 25 May 2021

Results of the Call for Technical Assistance

During the last couple of weeks, the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat evaluated the submitted applications after the latest Call for technical Assistance, calling EU islands to apply for technical support for their projects. A total number of 35 valid applications from all over Europe have reached us. The majority of applications came from Greek followed by Italian islands.

Islands were asked to fill out a self-assessment form to define the support category: explore, shape, or act. The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat offered a webinar on April 20 on the details of the application process to help islands clarify the requirements and answer their questions.

Applications had to be submitted until May 4. During the Clean energy for EU islands forum on May 20 - 21 the projects, eligible for technical assistance were presented. From the 35 submitted applications, 20 were chosen to receive technical assistance, as announced in the Guide for Applicants. In order to decide which projects will be chosen, the secretariat created evaluation criteria: project description, impact and replicability, organizational structure, stakeholder engagement, and the alignment with the secretariat’s objectives.

The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat continues to offer support to European islands to further advance in their clean energy transition. From formulating strategic energy transition plans to grid integration studies, regulatory analysis, or help finding financing for concrete projects. The next Call for technical Assistance will be launched in February 2022.

See below the 20 projects that were selected to receive technical assistance.