From Belgium to the Netherlands and Germany to Portugal the new Secretariat team consists of a group of experts that are passionate about the transition agenda and a bottom up approach (… and yes, we like to spend time on islands!).
Meet the Coordinators:
- Bringing together all island, national and EU stakeholders to explore, shape and act
- Monitoring the energy transition on islands in the EU and coordinate the setting up regional networks of support that can formulate needs and provide expertise to clean energy activities.
“We believe the islands could be the first to get to net zero in Europe, using renewable and smart technologies, mobilising the whole community to take part in clean energy transition and showing that decarbonisation can be affordable for all. We will support the European islands to explore, shape and act on the path towards net zero”, Jan Cornillie (3E).
Meet the Technical Assistants:
- Offering dedicated training sessions and sharing best practices to build local and regional capacity to empower islands to make well-informed energy decisions and allow them to implement their Clean Energy Transition Agenda;
- Providing technical assistance to islands in all stages of transition to support them in reaching the next phase in their clean energy transition.
“We are eager to build on the foundations of the Secretariat’s first phase to ensure continuity in the support to the islands. We will work according to an inclusive approach in which all islands, regardless of the phase of energy transition, can play a role. Our focus lies on supporting autonomous action of islands to transform their energy systems to be more sustainable, collective, and decentralised“, Simon De Clercq (3E).
Meet the Workshop Team
- Developing and delivering the Clean Energy Academy Workshops – from concept to action!
“The approach of the Secretariat is to empower citizens, local authorities, educational institutions and businesses to work together for an effective and fair decarbonisation of their islands!" Antonia Proka (REScoop.eu).
Meet the Think Tank on legislation and regulation for islands
- Identifying existing and emerging legal, regulatory and policy frameworks that foster the development of local decarbonized energy systems on EU islands;
- Identifying best and worst practices to formulate do’s and don’ts and clear recommendations for EU islands to effectively decarbonize their local energy systems.
“We are creative interdisciplinary energy experts who will bring technical and legal expertise from previous EU projects and put this experience to use to break the regulatory barriers to clean energy transition”, Leen Peters (Th!nkE)
“eclareon is a consulting firm working internationally to support public and private institutions engaged in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, climate policies and environmental protection”, Anna Pobłocka-Dirakis (eclareon).
Meet the Website Specialists
- Development and implementation of an EC DGIT compliant web design, highlighting the explore, shape, act conceptual model;
- Incorporate new functionalities required to fulfil the vision of the next phase of the EU Islands Secretariat, including a clickable map with island-relevant RES policies, regulations, and investment information;
- Anything to do with the website – including setting up The Islands Marketplace platform that will help bring energy projects to market.
“DNV GL has a track record in the design, development, and user engagement of knowledge management platforms in the climate change and clean energy fields”, Eelco Kruizinga (DNV GL - Energy and knowledge management systems specialists).
Meet the Finance Team
- Facilitating and providing financing opportunities for energy projects by matching island communities with investors and technology providers.
“We have a unique experience in helping organisations developing innovative business models and financial schemes and in engaging leading investors for example through the Smart Cities Marketplace,” Jorge Rodrigues de Almeida (RdA Climate Solutions).
Meet the Communication Team
- Development of a comprehensive communication strategy to enhance the visibility of the Clean Energy for EU Island Secretariat and issuing regular updates on its activities;
- Effectively encouraging EU islands to join the initiative through targeted communication activities by promoting a bottom-up approach and using a storytelling approach (video calls & podcasts).
“Our team has extensive experience in delivering multi-media communication activities as part of FP7, H2020, Interreg and other projects and in organising international events. We are your contact for all matters related to communication – contact us if you would like to contribute to the next newsletter at info@euislands.eu,” Gabi Kaiser (Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum).