On 5 November 2018, the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat launched a call for expression of interest by islands wishing to receive support on preparing their clean energy transition.
Please note that the application deadline closed on 15 January. A new application procedure for islands wishing to receive technical assistance on individual projects will be launched in the first semester of 2019.
The EU Islands Secretariat is further providing ongoing support to islands via its helpdesk, and provides capacity-building and networking opportunities. The Secretariat does not provide direct financial support.
You can find further information in the FAQ section below.
1. What is a Clean Energy Transition Agenda (in the context of the EU Islands Secretariat)?
A Clean Energy Transition Agenda is a document that outlines your island community’s vision for the future of your energy system, concrete objectives and milestones, and what steps you need to take to realize them. A more detailed note is attached to the call for expressions of interest. It includes a plan for how you aim to involve all relevant stakeholders in your island community.
The Energy Transition Agenda should cover the whole island (or group of islands if you apply as a group) and touch on technical, economic and social aspects of the energy transition.
Download the Island Clean Energy Transition Agenda Template
2. How exactly will the Secretariat support island communities in the drafting of their transition agendas?
The Secretariat can offer two levels of support:
- Co-Authoring (up to 6 Pilot Islands)
If your island community is selected as a Pilot Island, the Secretariat will co-author your island-wide transition agenda with you. In practice, this includes the provision of a draft outline, an initial planning call to discuss collaboration, follow-up and co-authorship until the finalisation of the agenda.
- Reviewing & Advising (up to 20 islands)
The Secretariat will make available materials to you to help you write your transition, and review and advise your island community (or connect you with relevant experts) as needed on how to move forward.
3. Should we apply as one island, or as a group of islands/archipelago?
We accept both applications from individual islands and from groups of islands/archipelagos - whichever makes most sense in your context. Both types of applicants will be treated equally by the Secretariat.
The key is to involve a broad range of stakeholders from within your community (at least two but ideally more of the following groups: citizens, local businesses, local authorities, academia and/or schools), and to indicate how you expect the transition to be coordinated across the whole island.
4. How much dedication in time and resources does writing the transition agenda require from the island community?
Overall, we expect that writing a transition agenda requires approximately the equivalent of 2-3 weeks' full-time work.
Due to the nature of such a project (engaging with local stakeholders, research phase), it will in most cases not be possible for you to get all the work done in one go, but more likely stretched out over several weeks or - if needed and more adapted to your situation - months.
If you have an expert in your community that has already written many agendas, it may take less. The reality of most islands however is that this is their first time writing a transition agenda, so you should plan with the more generous time-frame of a few weeks.
5. Is there a word limit per question?
We encourage applicants to keep their answers as short as possible in order to ensure a swift review process. While it is important that you provide the relevant information around your community, we will not favor applicants who provide long answers over those who provide shorter answers. As a reference, please try to fit all the relevant information into no more than 300 words per question. If really you feel that there is a need to expand further on your answer to provide the full picture, you can attach relevant documents in the annex.
6. Is there a deadline for delivering the Clean Energy Transition Agenda?
The overall deadline for delivering your transition agenda with support from the Secretariat depends on whether you are selected as a pilot or as part of the remaining 20 islands. If you are one of the 6 Pilot Islands, you will need to finalise your agenda before June 2019 (that’s 4 months to write the agenda in close collaboration with the Secretariat). If you are one of the remaining 20 islands, you will need to finalise your agenda by June 2020 (you will receive more light-touch support from the Secretariat, but you’ll have more time to deliver your agenda).
7. Which language should we use in the application form?
You can complete the application form in any of the official EU languages. The application form and assessment table are available here.
8. Can islands from outside the European Union apply for support from the Secretariat?
The Secretariat can only support islands who are a member of the European Union, or who are a member of a special territory of the EU (e.g. Overseas Countries and Territories).