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Clean energy for EU islands
  • 14 June 2022

EU Workshop - Offshore energy potential in the Atlantic Ocean

Offshore wind farm

France Energies Marines, Tecnalia, University College Cork and EDP NEW are organising a stakeholder consultation workshop on a study investigating the offshore energy potential in the Atlantic Ocean.

The consortium has been contracted by the European Commission, Directorate General for Energy, to conduct a study to analyse the technical potential of offshore energy generation in the continental European parts of the Atlantic Ocean and the Republic of Ireland (topography, wind and wave availability, most suitable locations), and to look at the need and potential to develop a meshed offshore grid in different parts of the Northern Atlantic Ocean, helping the Member States of the region to increase renewable power generation and meet their decarbonisation objectives in a more cost-effective way.

On the basis of this analysis, the study will formulate recommendations for future offshore renewable energy projects including their technically exploitable potential and connection to the grid. It will integrate a set of technical and regulatory constraints as well as non-technical aspects, including consenting, environmental assessment, and socioeconomics. The study will also include a set of policy recommendations to address implementation challenges and barriers.

The methodology and preliminary results will be presented at a workshop to be held on July 5, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon (CEST). Participants will be able to discuss the first outcomes of the study about: selection of future siting areas, grid deployment and framework for the deployment of offshore renewable energies.

Consulting key stakeholders in the sector and taking their feedback into account is an integral part of the process. That is why your attendance at this e-workshop is important for our work.


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