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Clean energy for EU islands
  • 15 June 2021

Discover GREEN HYSLAND - Deployment of a Hydrogen ecosystem in Mallorca

With more than 16 million tourists annually, Mallorca, the so-called “pearl of the Mediterranean” - offers great potential to become an international showcase for hydrogen and fuel cell integration at island scale. This is why it was selected by the Green Hysland project to deploy a fully-functioning Hydrogen (H2) ecosystem, turning the island into Europe’s first H2 hub in Southern Europe, and providing the continent with a blueprint for decarbonization of island economies.

The initiative is currently developing all the infrastructures needed to produce and consume on the island of at least 330 tonnes per year of green hydrogen from newly built photovoltaic plants. This hydrogen will then be transported by virtual pipeline from the production plant to the final applications, including the generation of heat and power for commercial and public buildings, the supply of auxiliary power for ferries and port operations and the creation of a hydrogen refuelling station for fleets of buses and fuel cell rental vehicles. The project includes green hydrogen injection into the island's gas pipeline network through a Guarantee of Origin System to decarbonise the gas supply. It aims to reduce the CO2 emissions of Mallorca up to 20,700 tons per year by the end of the project.









The project also considers the development of a roadmap to 2050 in Mallorca towards energy decarbonisation, led by the Balearic Government, in which hydrogen plays a fundamental role in the development of a large-scale sustainable economy, including the creation of a new employment ecosystem associated to hydrogen.

In addition, GREEN HYSLAND contemplates the development of replication experiences in five other EU islands: Madeira (PT), Tenerife (ES), Aran (IE), Greek Islands and Ameland (NL) as well as Chile and Morocco.

A consortium of 30 partners from 11 different countries (9 of them from the EU, as well as Chile and Morocco), from the industry, science and public sectors has been set up to develop the initiative.

The initiative requires a total investment of around 50 million euro, including renewable electricity generation and equipment for green hydrogen end users. The European Commission through the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) funds the Green Hysland project with 10 million euro to contribute to the development of the project between 2021 and 2025.

The project website has recently been launched and offers a wealth of information on the project, but also on other initiatives working on green hydrogen and the energy transition of islands. This website is meant to become a wide online and interactive platform for exchange on these topics. In this context, a Green Hysland EU Coalition for H2 deployment in Islands has been created which has been joined by several highly followed EU initiatives and projects, including the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat.

Learn more about the Project: