The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat is proud to announce that in 2022, the European Commission chose to incorporate the Technology solutions booklet into their Spring 2022 edition of “Key publications of the European Union”.
In October 2021, the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat published the Technology solutions booklet to give islands examples of technologies for clean energy production judging various features that are important for islands to consider when choosing a technology for their transition. Technologies are grouped per sector: electricity, heating and cooling, transport, and storage. For each technology, a short description is first presented, followed by its pros and cons for its implementation on islands. The booklet also gives examples of islands that already implemented these technologies.
An explanation of each solution is complemented by the latest targets and regulations from the European Commission for all of them. Throughout the booklet, bibliography and links to relevant websites are recommended for those interested in further reading.
Find the booklet on our publications page.