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Clean energy for EU islands
Madrid Workshop

The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat, in partnership with the Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), recently hosted an in-person workshop in Madrid. The event focused on "Future Proofing Electricity Systems" with a special emphasis on energy storage and regulatory frameworks supporting the energy transition of Spanish islands. 

Representatives from the Clean Energy for EU islands secretariat, including Pau de Vilchez Moragues, gathered alongside experts from the secretariat’s consortium partner Th!nk E, 3E, and IDAE to engage in discussions about the critical role of energy storage in the Spanish context. The workshop brought together regulators, system operators, and regional governments to explore collaborative approaches to unlock the full potential of energy storage and advance the clean energy transition on Spanish islands. 

The workshop aimed to foster cooperation and knowledge-sharing among key stakeholders, with a focus on addressing the unique challenges and opportunities of the Spanish Islands' energy landscape. 

The event provided a platform for insightful discussions on possible pathways forward to enhance energy storage capabilities and establish effective regulatory frameworks. Participants discussed innovative solutions and strategies to accelerate the energy transition of Spanish islands, showcasing a shared commitment to sustainable and resilient electricity systems.  

The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat expressed gratitude to IDAE for hosting the workshop and commended all participants for their active involvement. The collaborative spirit exhibited during the event highlights a collective determination to propel the clean energy agenda forward. 

As the series "Future Proofing Electricity Systems" continues, stakeholders are optimistic about the momentum gained and look forward to ongoing collaboration to drive the clean energy transition across European islands.