The Islands Transition Handbook is an action-oriented guide to start and help navigate the transition towards clean energy for your island. The handbook instructs on how to develop a Clean Energy Transition Agenda and provides inspiration for the next steps as well as a check-list for clean energy transition management.
Pulling together valuable experiences from the Clean Energy Transition Agendas that are ongoing on a number of frontrunning islands, this handbook stands on the shoulders of strong island histories and cultures, experiences from existing energy planning processes, and multi-stakeholder engagement projects. The handbook provides background and current thinking, whilst offering practical examples for transition, tools for further reading and performance indicators for self-assessment of the ongoing process.
The Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat provides a range of support activities and more importantly, all the islands active within the initiative contribute a wealth of practical experiences worth learning from. Therefore, the handbook can serve as a starting point to find inspiration and contacts in the EU island community to kick-start, re-start or further boost the decarbonisation of your island.
See also English (summary for policy-makers)