Moderator: Kostas Komninos - DAFNI (Greece)
Konstantinos Kparissis - Eurelectric (Greece): Energy transition's relation to the industry and challenges faced by island grids. Regulatory aspects, including bundled and unbundled systems. Importance of grid stability and adapting to bi-directional energy flow. Market size constraints and limited technological providers. Need for a mixed generation approach.
Terje Talv - Estonian Wind Power Association (Estonia): Shift in grid dynamics from east to west in Estonia. Saaremaa's role as the new energy hub. Time and financial constraints as bottlenecks.
Claire Helly - CPMR Island Commission (France): CPMR Island Commission's role in advocating for EU policies and interregional cooperation between islands. Projects like Twin Solar and MASESHA involving local communities.
Elise Van Dijk - Th!nkE (Belgium): Th!nkE's role and previous study results including barriers of grid constraints and security of supply. Importance of strategic planning, coordination, and community involvement. Lengthy authorization processes. The need for support tailored to island needs.
Nuria Albet Torres - La Palma Renovable (Spain): Regions' desire for smaller energy systems and involvement in planning. Local variance's significance in the energy transition. Discussion on integration cap for renewables.