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  • Regulatory information
  • Community Energy Framework


  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • ELTS
    • Network Code
  2. Summary

    There is no legal definition for a prosumer in Estonia. However, there are some provisions in the general electricity market regulation which also ease the market access for people who are in essence prosumers.
    For instance, producers and sellers who generate electricity at generating installations which they own and which have a total net capacity of up to 200 kW are exempted from some regulations which apply to other electricity producers and sellers. First, they do not need to be legal person registered in the European Economic Area to perform as an electricity undertaking. Second, they are exempted from the requirement to have a share capital of at least EUR 31,950 which applies to other electricity market producers and sellers (Art 15, ELTS).

  3. Addressees

    No legal definition.

  4. Requirements and conditions  

    Like for other small-scale electricity producers, some administrative processes are simplified for small-scale prosumers. For instance, small-scale producers (up to 200 kW) do not need to obtain an electricity production authorization for the generation of electricity (Art 22 ELTS).
    For rooftop PV projects the administrative authorization is much simplified (further described under the section ‘Permit and authorization processes’), as only a building permit is required.
    As for grid connection procedure, that is simplified for small-scale producers (and thereby for most prosumers) as well. According to the Network Code on the Functioning of the Electricity System, the network operator has no right to demand the particulars and documents normally needed for the grid connection (e.g., a plan enabling the construction of an electrical installation to be connected to the network or a building permit) where the capacity of the power-generating module to be connected to the network is up to 15 kW (art. 19).
    Prosumers can sell their excess electricity to the DSO. In order to do so, they need to sign bilateral a small producer energy contract with the DSO.

  5. Type of energy sharing

    • Prosumers: Relevant