Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
Commercial Code
Energy Sector Organization Act -
The current legal system in Estonia enables the creation of renewable energy communities and the production of renewable energy for own consumption. Under the current Commercial Code, renewable energy communities may act as a limited liability companies as well as public limited companies. The only restriction is that the renewable energy community cannot be a general partnership or a limited partnership within the meaning of the Commercial Code, since the members of these two legal entities cannot be local governments (NECP Estonia, 2019).
However, for the transposition of Renewable Energy Directive II (EU/2018/2001) on renewable energy communities as well as Directive on common rules for the internal market for electricity EU/2019/944 on citizen energy communities, amendments to the Estonian national legislation are foreseen to create further legal clarity and regulate in law the rights and obligations of energy communities. Amendments to Electricity Market Act (ELTS) and Energy Sector Organization Act are expected to be adopted in mid-2021. -
No restrictions determined by law.
Requirements and conditions
To be determined with the amendments to ELTS and Energy Sector Organization Act.
Geographical limitations
To be determined with the amendments to ELTS and Energy Sector Organization Act.
Type of energy sharing
- Energy communities, energy cooperatives, energy clusters : Relevant