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  • Electricity support

Net-Metering / Net-Billing

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    DL 162/2019

  2. Description of support scheme

    In 2019, with the issuing of DL 162/2019, Portugal adopted a new net billing scheme specific to self-consumption units (Unidade de Produção para utoconsumo, UPAC,) prosumers, where they should receive a remuneration for the surplus energy supplied to the grid that reflects the market value of that electricity and which can be commercialized by an independent aggregator or utility company.

  3. Amount

    The new self-consumption regulation states that surplus excess injection of electricity into the grid will be settled at 90% of the Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL) price. In the past couple of years, market prices varied between 4 – 6 € cents/kWh. Therefore, remuneration for the energy surplus injected into the grid would vary between 3.6 – 5.4 € cents/kWh (DL 162/2019, ERSE and DGEG).

  4. Addressees

    Acting individual self-consumers and energy communities

  5. Procedure

    The energy surplus can be commercialized:
    1. within an organized or bilateral market, including via a contract of acquisition of renewable energy;
    2. via the market participant itself, upon agreement of a price between the parties;
    3. via a market facilitator.
    (DL 162/2019)

  6. Competent authority

    • Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE).
    • Directorate General of Energy and Geology (DGEG)
  7. Technologies

    Wind energy onshore


    Wind energy offshore
    Solar energy


    Geothermal energy