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Clean energy for EU islands

Bere Island

Bere Island

Island facts

Exact population
Exact surface dimensions
Secretariat engagement

Bere Island is on the Southwest coast of Ireland in Bantry Bay. It has a population of 190 people and in the summertime, it reaches over 2,000. The main economic activities are farming, fishing, tourism, and the commercial marine industry.

Is Bere Island interconnected to the mainland? 

Bere Island receives most of its energy from the national grid through a subsea cable from the mainland. Some houses already use renewable energy like windmills and PV solar panels to generate electricity. The island is served by two ferries all year round, but many people use their own boats as we have a very sheltered harbour. On the island, people use private cars or the community bus. Most houses are heated with oil and coal, while some are now using heat pumps.

The journey to clean energy 

Bere Island has energy group is working with Ireland's sustainable energy authority to produce an energy master plan that will guide the islanders on their journey.

Please note that Bere Island has applied for the 30 for 2030 call jointly with Inishbofin | Clean energy for EU islands ( and Sherkin | Clean energy for EU islands (


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